Sunday 27 April 2008

Tagging along

I have been tagged by the lovely Sue J

These are the rules:

Link the person who tagged you
Mention the rules on your blog
Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them
Leave a comment on each of the tagged bloggers blogs letting them know they have been tagged.

Okay, well this gets the 'ole brain working and see what i can come up with.I'm not very quirky you know

1.I wear some makeup EVERYDAY (embarrassment).Sad I know but i feel kinda naked without it.Not always full makeup but I rarely go completely bare faced, even for days at home .I also have blonde eyelashes so I really need a bit of mascara.I dont really worry what I look like by the end of the day but i have to start out okay.I look horrid without makeup

2.I can fall asleep just about anywhere LOL eg:In the movies,sitting in a chair whilst the kids are doing acrobats,sitting on one of those steel type seats with a brick wall behind me while Kayley is in swimming get the idea? When i used to catch the train to work many years ago I would crash and wake up on auto pilot just in time to get off

3.I am really good at washing but not so good with the folding and ironing.I wash just about everyday and any tops,dresses (kids of course, i dont do dresses) etc go straight on coat hangers and are dried that way.They then go straight in the wardrobe to be ironed when needed and only if needed.The rest of the clean washing piles up in my laundry and gets done once or twice a week

4.I have a habit of saying sorry when i dont need to.For example ,if someone bumps into me I say sorry to them .I just automatically do it.I dont know why and sometimes i will think to myself afterwards 'why the heck did you say you were sorry"

5.Lately,because I've put on weight and gone up in size of some things ,I have started cutting the size tags off my clothes.I do not want to see and be reminded what size they are

6.I read the newspaper everyday.I dont watch the news so this is my way of staying in touch with whats going on in the world.

Now for tagging others.This will be hard as I really dont know that many bloggers and a lot of the ones i do know have been tagged already






Thats it all done.



Georgie said...

Not quirky Kaz hmmmmmm?
Wearing 9 fake fingernails isn't just a little teeny tiny bit quirky???
LOL I love reading all these

Kaz said...

PMSL G, How did i know you were gonna say that? Yeah ,I did think of that but that was just a one off.Remember? Especially for you ! LOL xox

Georgie said...

Don't worry, Sue pointed out that I didn't mention that demented (or is that quirky) phobia about purple I have LOL xxx, let's call it even. (and we won't mention the drugs rolling around in the bottom of the taxi pmsl)