Friday 4 April 2008

10 Randon bits about me

Taking inspiration from the gorgeous Sheyes blog I thought Id give this a go.I’m pretty boring so will have to rack my brains (what is left of them)Mmm this may be a bit confronting.Off the top of my head

1. I worked in a bank for 13yrs.Was supposed to be until I figured out what I wanted to do.Guess I never did that LOL.Think my calling came when I became a mum

2.I once had a pet turtle named Sam.I painted his name on his shell with nail polish or was that liquid paper? Dad bought him home when he nearly ran over him on the road one night in the rain.I built him an enclosure with his own pool and fed him dog food.He ran away LOL

3.My hubby calls me cuddles (all the time) or cuds for short which doesn’t sound that good.Apparently I am cuddly (Rolls eyes) Guess it could be worse

4.I hated my white legs so much in high school.The day prior to having to expose them with a summer uniform I decided to try out fake tan (New on the market back then).I put lots on.LOL Woke up the next day with very dark brown/orange legs that stood out like you know what.I PANICKED.Got the razor out to try and shave at least some of it off and in my flurry managed to accidently cut my legs (badly)and had to wear jeans to school for the week (with a note from mum with some phony excuse)Despite the cuts they still would have needed covering.The colour was baaddd.

5.I loath mice (and snakes) and will just about hyperventilate if I ever see one on the loose

6.I first moved out of home when I was 18 with a female friend and moved back after 3 months when it didn’t work out

7.I can only see out of my left eye. Long story but I had an accident when I was 5 with a hook flying in my eye.Some people that know me don’t know this as its not something you really need to tell people.Have had a couple of eye ops as a young child but have been told its impossible to ever get the sight back.I can see clearly but my view of the world looking straight ahead just isn’t as wide as the average person.Cover one eye and you will see what I mean.It doesn’t affect me.I don’t ever remember it being any different

8.I managed to have my 3 bubs with just some gas (not that I had a choice) LOL.I never knew what sex they were and always thought I was having a boy each time

9.As a kid we used to love going to the grass slides.Just a hill and a bit of cardboard from a box.Sit on it and slide down.Cheap entertainment

10.I love making cupcakes and would like to try my hand at cake decorating one day (amongst other things)


1 comment:

kristen said...

How interesting. I'm with you on the cupcake idea. Sounds interesting and fun doesn't it.