Saturday 26 April 2008

Girly Stuff~ Beaut Belville & Pancake People

This post is especially for my friend Sue to say a big "Thank You" for kindly purchasing these pancake boy and girl moulds and the cute little kiddie tongs.Love ya xoxo I wish i had taken a pic of them in their boxes before the kids excitedly ripped them open.We will have these forever and i will always think of you Sue when we make them..I can see myself making these for the grandkids one day LOL

These were our first attempt .The girls said they are delicious..Of course moreso than regular pancakes even though its the same mix.The shape must make them taste better LOL.Kayley was announcing the amputation of each limb as she ate "Hear goes his arm, mum"

Now I did get into trouble as "Sue" they told me , used choc chips for eyes and buttons etc and we didn't have any.They remembered from me showing them your blog.Gosh, kids dont forget things do they? I had forgotton.Not to worry as they were still very much enjoyed.When we went shopping today they reminded me about the chop chips and they were purchased for the next lot.

Now for the beaut lego Belville Sunshine Home set that arrived this week.Thanks to Janelle for making me aware of this girly lego stuff. We have had Duplo for years,since Hayden was little and I wanted to sell it on ebay as i thought they had outgrown it.Hayden has regular lego but its not as appealing to the girls as "pink" lego.So many times they convinced me not to sell the Duplo even though it rarely got touched.I finally convinced them with a promise to spend the $ on this.I wanted to do this on the weekend and get in there and help as i thought they might need it but Lauren couldnt wait so she built it all by herself with Kayley as her apprentice

Now in keeping it real, I must add that it wasnt all smiles yesterday as indicated in the pics.There was lots of squabbling going on between my three little darlings.Must be that its nearing the end of the school hols.They are a bit better today though,thankfully



Sue J said...

Good to see you Kaz :) Congratulations on surviving job training and the first day from hell by the sounds of it, you poor thing.

Thanks so much for the lovely pic of the girls with pancake people. LOL @ your cannibals and that of course children will never forget CHOCOLATE! Remember to eat them piping hot while the chocolate is all warm and gooey and mmmmmm..... On the topic of pancakes, I found some Pancake Parlour pancake mix at the supermarket today, will have to try it out next weekend and let you know if it's worth a try.

The lego looks fantastic, bet you get many happy (and squabbling) hours of fun with it. And lastly, just wanted to let you know that I've tagged you on my blog :)

Kaz said...

Thanks Sue

We made pancake people again today..for lunch LOL complete with yummy gooey chocolate,as requested
