Wednesday 5 December 2007

My little Preschool Graduate

We have been so busy and Ive been slack and havent taken the time to blog

Here is my Miss Kayley.She officially graduated from preschool yesterday.How funny is that?Would be a worry if she failed LOL.Her preschool is just the best and I cant thank the teachers enough for making this preschool year such an enjoyable one.She has 2 teachers who job share and they are just so genuine and caring.

We are off to the paediatric opthamologist shortly for a review so fingers crossed that goes well

Lauren is also auditioning for the school talent quest today.She has made up her own dance..God love her.There are loads of kids auditioning so not sure if she will get in but I love that she is giving it a go all of her own accord.I have had no input at all except to put some rollers in her hair last night LOL.I forgot to take a pic this morning.I asked her if she is nervous at all and she said "No! Why would i be nervous Mum? It will be fun!".I think thats great and wish I had confidence like that as a kid or even now..I would be packing it.She is auditioning in front of all the infants kids

Anyways...will be off for now.Will have to make sure I blog some more especially with the holidays coming up soon


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