Kayley made me laugh this morning so thought share.She is not the type of girl who is put off by boy germs even at age 5.She will proudly tell everyone that she actually has 2 boyfriends..Zac and Travis.Zac is her fav as "in her own words" she gets to spend more time with him (2 and half hours of preschool each day)LOL
This morning we were talking about how we are meeting up with all the preschool kids and their mums at Maccas as Preschool is shut for the day on Thursday.The convo went like this
Kayley~ Zac isnt going to be there is he?I really hope he isnt going
Me~Why? I thought you liked Zac
Kayley ~Mum, we broke up.I (the I was emphasized)broke it off with him
Me ~(Trying not to laugh) Oh how come ?(not good grammar...I know ! I know!)
Kayley~ Cos my friends told me too
Me~ Oh! Well you know you should do what you want to do not what they tell you
Kayley~Well if hes there i still might play with him.Actually I will play with him ....but only if Chloe and Sophie (her friends)are not around
Poor Zac!LOL Preschool finishes up this week and she might not see Zac again as he is going to a different big school so probably the best time to break up anyway LOL
Luv Kaz